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2 Exercises JS

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10 KLP

Jam's Description

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The goal of this Jam is to introduce you to the Test Driven Learning methodology. Each step is backen by a few tests. After fixing the tests for each step, you should follow these steps:
  • Commit your code with git add . && git commit -m "implemented the identity function"
  • Push your code with git push origin exercise-1

Before starting:

1- Run your tests in the terminal with `npm t` or `yarn test`
2- Optionally, you can run the tests in watch mode with `npm t -- --watch` or `yarn test --watch`


  • Implement the identity function in the src/identity.jsfile.
  • The identiy function takes one argument and returns that arguments.

Important note:

You cannot modify the tests suites. If you find an issue, please, let us know via email or via the platform.

What's next?

We have plenty of learning opportunities on the platform. Go head, try them and learn how to become a great software engineer. We're here to help so feel free to reach out to our team of mentors via

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